Career Articles

Work can be frustrating and stressful sometimes.

Yet, no matter how tough your job is, you'll need a healthy mind and body to tackle it. If you are eating poorly, not exercising, or internalizing stress, you won't feel well. And if you don't feel well, you can't treat your career with the attention and respect it deserves. Without energy, you cannot make your career as fulfilling as it could be.

As a career coach, I speak to hundreds of people each year who are unhappy with their careers. When I ask them what they eat, how physically active they are, and how they handle stress, their answers do not surprise me. One by one, they tell me that they are not taking care of themselves.

How can you love what you do when you don't feel you best? How can you build momentum in your career when you are tired? How can you fulfill your dreams when you don't have the energy to make it happen?

You Can Change How You Feel At Work. Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Make This Happen:

Anger is a normal emotion. But, when you cling to a painful emotion such as anger, you cannot feel energized. When you free yourself of angry thoughts, by forgiving yourself and others, you will free up a lot of mental space which can be filled with newfound energy.

Solution: Decide to let your anger go, so you feel better and more productive.

We are a society of blamers. We all do it. Even though we criticize others for not taking responsibility, when it's our turn to be responsible, we tend to look outward to assign blame if something goes wrong. Blame feels good, because we don't like to admit being wrong. The downside to blame is that it allows you to stay stuck when you could actively be trying to improve the situation.

Solution: Decide against assigning blame. Blame will drag down your energy level. If something at work is not going well, accept what is happening and try to learn from it. This way, you can make progress and move past it.

Your beliefs are powerful. They set the tone and direction for your career. If you say that you want one thing, but actually believe another, the resulting conflict will hold you back. Belief is critical to victory. If you do not believe that you can have a high level of energy in your career, then you are unlikely to achieve it.

Solution: Decide to let go of the beliefs that no longer serve you. Instead, focus on believing that you can transform yourself into a healthy, lively person.

Your career can be compared to a journey. As with any journey, there will be highs and lows along the way, in this case, spread out over many years. When good things are happening in your career, it will be easier to feel energized. But when more challenging things are occurring, it will naturally be more difficult to manage your energy efficiently.

Solution: Decide that your attitude will not keep you from being in the best possible mental and physical health you can be.

Your career is filled with choices. Some of them will empower you, and others will hold you back.

Of course, no-one intentionally makes bad choices. Every time you ate something that did not nourish your body, or skipped a workout, you probably made what you thought was the best choice at the time. You weighed your options and believed that you were doing the right thing. When you learn to question choices that are bad for you, you can also learn to make better choices in the future.

Solution: Decide to make better choices. This is a vital step towards creating a healthy, energetic new you.

Does your job increase your energy or drain it from you?

Many people stay in their jobs longer than they want to, because they are unsure of what to do next. They tell themselves that the answer will come someday. Whenever that day comes, they will make their move. But in the meantime, they are stagnant and unhappy.

Solution: Decide to change your job if you are unhappy in the one you have now and you have given it your best shot.

  • 1) Use Proper Office Etiquette
  • Using good manners will help you make a good impression with your boss and also your co-workers. Office etiquette includes everything from the proper way to use e-mail to knowing when, where, and how to use your cell phone while at work.

  • 2) Face Up to Your Mistakes
  • When you make a mistake at work, which everyone inevitably does at some point, face up to it. Don't ignore your error or place the blame on others. Take responsibility and come up with a solution to fix your mistake. Your boss may not be too happy about it, but she will at least be impressed with your response.

  • 3) Know When to Call in Sick to Work
  • Do you think coming to work when you are sick instead of staying at home will impress your boss? Reasonable bosses know that a sick employee not only isn't productive, he or she can spread an illness around the office rendering everyone else unproductive. Call in sick when you need to.

  • 4) Come Through in a Crisis
  • When the unexpected happens at work, who will make a better impression on the boss - the employer who wrings his hands and does nothing or the one who springs into action? Of course it's the employee who deals with the crisis quickly and effectively.

  • 5) Know What Topics to Avoid Discussing
  • Avoiding inappropriate topics may not help you make a good impression at work but it will keep you from making a bad one. Subjects that do not make for good workplace conversation include politics, religion, and health problems and other personal issues.

  • 6) Manage Your Time Effectively
  • Your ability to complete projects in a timely manner will help you make a good impression on your boss. You should demonstrate that you know how to manage your time effectively by handing in projects when, or even before, your deadline.

  • 7) Dress Appropriately
  • Make a good impression at work by wearing the right clothes. You should dress the right way for the "role you are playing." If you aspire to be a leader at work, dress like one.

  • 8) Avoid Offending Your Co-Workers
  • Make a good impression or avoid making a bad one by not doing things that offend your co-workers. Always show respect towards your co-workers. The last thing a boss wants brought to his attention are the uncivil actions of one of his employees.

  • 9) Represent Your Company Well at Business Meetings
  • When you represent your employer at a business meeting making a good impression on other attendees will in turn help you make a good impression on your boss. Dress appropriately, network on your employer's behalf, and bring back information.